Commands List

TownyExpansion Commands

Below is a list of available commands and their descriptions.

🏙️ Town Commands

/town setdiscord [discord]

Set a town discord.

/town discord

view your town's discord.

/town setwarp [name]

Set a warp for your town with a name on your location.

/town warp [name]

Warp to the town's [name] warp .

🌍 Nation Commands

/nation setdiscord [discord]

Set a nation discord.

/nation discord

view your nation's discord.

/nation setwarp [name]

Set a warp for your nation with a name on your location.

/nation warp [name]

Warp to the nation's [name] warp .

⚙️ Admin Commands

/townyexpansion reload (all/config/messages)

Reload the config, messages or all!

/townyexpansion help

show all the commands.